I want to share one of my favorite websites and YouTube channels with you. TED is a nonprofit organization that is devoted to sharing ideas. They have short videos from presenters that are usually very short, less than 20 minutes long. From technology to handling stress, I have found them to be very informative and enjoy watching them. Face it, they do not take up much of your time to watch, however many have a great impact. Once I attended a workshop on living with people with mental disabilities. I found the speaker had spoken at a TED Talk so I looked for her video. It was great to hear her back story and how she lived with Autism and has learned to manage it. Even though this was not part of the discussion for the workshop I attended, hearing her story put an entirely different perspective on meeting her and listening to her ideas.
When I first came to know TED Talks, they were geared mainly towards technology. Over time they have evolved into a wealth of information across a variety of topics. They have Ted-X conferences, Ted-Ed lessons, Ted-Student Talks just to name a few. I will share them with you from time to time but you may want to check out their website and YouTube channel. There are so many interesting videos of real life experiences and educational tips you are bound to find something that you can't wait to watch. You may even find some to share with your children to overcome something they are struggling with in school. Their slogan is true, "Ideas worth spreading." Hope you enjoy checking them out!
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