Tuesday, November 13, 2018

It's parent-teacher conference time, what do I ask?

Parent-teacher conference season is here! You are excited to meet your child's teacher, yet disappointed once you arrive when you find out you only have a 15 minute time-slot to talk about everything. There is so much you want to know and so little time. You ask yourself, "How do I get all the information I need in so little time to help my child succeed?" That is a great question, not to mention the teacher has their own agenda of information to share.

The most important thing to know is how to reach your child's teacher. Find out if email is best or a phone call and get their contact information. Today there are many ways to stay on top of your child's studies with technology. Many schools have "parent portals" you can sign up for to watch over their grades and assignments. Be sure to find out if this is available and get the information to sign up. Find out what changes you can expect throughout the year, is there anything specific to prepare your child for? Of course, you want to know what areas your child is doing well and where they are struggling. Ask what you can do at home to help with studies, can the teacher send home extra practice sheets or is there a website to work from.

In addition to these topics I listed, I found a list of questions to ask at a parent-teacher conference compiled by VeryWellFamily.com. They have the questions broken down into categories making it easy to prioritize which ones pertain to your child and what you want to know. With such a short time to talk to the teacher, you will want to make the most out of it.

Bring a list of questions you want to ask so you don't forget. If you don't have enough time, ask the teacher if you can schedule a meeting at another time to go over specifics in more detail. Communication with the teacher and school is imperative to your child's education and will help them be successful in school.



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