Thursday, October 18, 2018

Four Core of Personalized Learning

Personalized Learing is an approach to learning that is not "one size fits all." Instruction is personalized to the student's needs and interests. We all have been in school and have probably felt a different approach or teacher would have helped us learn better. Personalized Learning is the term used that teachers are approaching instruction that way to reach every student based on their academics at their pace.

Education Elements is an organization that works with school districts to build personalized learning into their curriculum. They have provided information to parents that explains the different approaches. Read through the Core Four of Personalized Learning: Overview for Parents to gain a better understanding of how your child may be learning in school. I will touch base on each of the areas for you.

Flexible Content and Tools

This core states instructional materials allow for differentiated path, pace and performance tasks. This means the student may use different platforms for collaboration with other students and to demonstrate knowledge. Materials used consist of online content, textbooks or worksheets and are flexible which allows each student to learn at their own pace.

Targeted Instruction

This core states that instruction is aligned to specific student needs and learning goals. Teachers will identify needs and provide instuction based on those needs. The students may work in small groups, one on one or on their own at their pace. This type of instruction ensures the student will get the instruction as they need it rather than moving ahead on a skillset they have not mastered.

Student Reflection and Ownership

This core states Ongoing student reflection promotes ownership of learning. The student will think about what they have learned and what they still need to. They will set their own goals and take ownership of their learning. This core helps prepare them for future growth both personally and professionally.

Data Driven Instruction

This core states frequent data collection informs instructional decisions and groupings. Data is collected from various sources such as assessments, performance on computer based instruction, exit tickets, surveys, individualized tracking and more. This data is used to help the teacher decide what, how and in what manner the student will learn next.

I hope this article helps parents understand personalized learning a little bit more. It is not a traditional way of learning we knew when we went to school and might wonder how come the student gets to make so many decisions or how come a friend is working on different homework. It all has to do with starting to take ownership of thier learning and finding the best way they can reach their goals. In the long run it is hoped they become better decision makers and collaborators, skillsets they need in their personal and professional life because it is not "one size fits all."


Elements, E. (n.d.). Core Four of Personalized Learning: Overview for Parents. Retrieved October 18, 2018, from|7e2c6737-221a-4397-819b-c61bfd3b5411

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