Friday, October 19, 2018

Blended Learning and the Flipped Classroom

If you have heard the term blended learning you may have wondered why things were getting mixed up in the classroom. What does that mean to student learning? As with personalized learning students can learn at their own pace. Blended learning combines traditional classroom methods with digital media to enhance learning. Teachers will provide a lesson, but the student can work on the tasks required on their own, with the teacher available to provide assistance when needed.

You may have heard the term flipped classroom and thought that meant the students take over the teaching. They don't take over teaching, but do take learning into their own hands. Teachers will assign a lesson to watch online, outside of the classroom. Students then can do work assigned on that topic during the class when the teacher is present to assist.  I have heard some parents concerned about this format since their child does not have "homework" to work on daily. But in a sense they still are, it is just being done in the classroom.

Since I seem to like providing videos to explain these terms, here is one about blended learning and the flipped classroom.

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