Sunday, December 2, 2018

Tech in school, what's the parent's role?

So much technology is thrown at your kids in school. They have electronic devices issued by the school, their phone, tablet, laptop. Homework on the, research and more. It is all so overwhelming and you have no idea what to do. You did not grow up with all of this technology, you always lugged around textbooks and researched in the library. If you were lucky, your family invested in a set of encyclopedias so you would always have access to information to write your paper.

Gone are the days of flipping through pages of a textbook. Many schools have integrated technology into the classroom and students do research and homework directy online. How are you supposed to understand what they are doing when you weren't exposed to that type of technology?

As a parent, you are responsible for teaching your child to be safe online and to find a happy medium for screen time. Kristen Galloway of the Morning Consult website shared four tips for parents to focus on when teaching their children to gain control with technology in their life.

1. Serve as a role model. Be mindful of your time spent on your mobile devices and computers. If you unplug, it will set the example for your child to.

2. Everything is best in moderation. Technology use needs limits too, just like any other rule you set for your child. Talk with your child about the rules for technology use that will fit your family values.

3. Provide alternatives. Remind your child that it is still important to not be tied to a screen all the time. Read, spend time with family or just reading a good book.

4. Edcation. You may not be familiar with the latest apps being used by your child. Take the time to ask and have them show you. The surprise will be that your child will think it is great they are teaching you something!

The article closes talking about how in the past, the big concern was watching too much TV.  Now it is too much technology.

Read the full article here.

“Parents Can Play Important Role in Teaching Children About Technology.” Morning Consult, 6 Mar. 2018,

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